Ace Nigeria comedian/compere, Owen Osemwengie  a.ka. Owen Gee was caught fooling around with the crew of REEL E Magazine in this latest edition. Funny enough, crazy Owen Gee was not alone; he covers this edition with his darling wife, Moyosore.  

He opened up on his family and the special role his wife whom he met 17 years ago plays in shaping him and his sojourn as a successful entertainer. This edition is comedy and family driven. We are proud to bring to your full glare the Owen Gee Crazy family. Are they all crazy? Or is it only Owen that is crazy? Or better still, has he infected the entire family with his craziness? You need to read through this entire captivating piece on Owen Gee.

Mr. Alayande Stephen T., the Editor-In-Chief said “this is another must-buy and must-read piece for all avid readers of entertainment magazines, it is engaging and informative. So what are you waiting for? Go get your copy” he averred.

Equally, in this edition, we have columns like Top Ten, Close Ups on Celebs, Break Out Star, REEL E on TV Celeb Reality Show, Colour & Style etc as we introduce a new column “The Lounge” with Jesse Jagz.  Our South Africa correspondent Ivie Osobase was there live to cover the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) Championship and had an exclusive interview with former world heavyweight champion, SHEAMUS. Also, from the Madiba Kingdom, we give you the column of One Thing I Must See Before I Die where Ivie captured a BOAT SHOW. Our visual exploration on the STAR MUSIC-THE TREK came to a conclusion with the remaining seven cities.

REEL E Magazine is published by Total Recall Media Limited, the Producers of REEL E on TV & Radio, E-ACCESS and Two Sides of a Coin soap series.

For subscription and comments on current and past issues of the REEL E Magazine, kindly send an email to or send sms to 08056112687.

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